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Entry by Roadways

From Montenegro

  • Through Hani I Hotit and Murriqan-Sukobina. The first road links the Northern City of Shkodra and Lake Shkodra with Podgorica, while the second links Shkodra with Ulcinj Montenegro.
  • Recently opened is Vermoshi, which links the region of Kelmendi in Albania with Plava and Gucia (Gusinje) in Montenegro.

From Macedonia

  • Qafe Thana pass links Pogradec, Librazhd and Elbasan to Struga.
  • From Tushemisht, at the Southeastern end of Lake Ohrid, leading from Pogradec to Saint Naum and Oher.
  • From Bllata, leading from Peshkopi to great Dibra.
  • From Gorica the road leads from the northern shores of Lake Prespa to Otoshev and other parts of Macedonia.

From Kosova

  • Through Morina pass, which links Kukes, Albania, with Pristina, Kosova
  • Morina which links Tropoja with Gjakova
  • Qafë Prushi, which links Kruma with Gjakova.

From Greece

  • Through Kapshtica leading from Korça to Thessalonica.
  • From Kakavija leading from Gjirokastra to Janina.
  • At Qafe Boti Konispol is connected to Filat
  • Tre Urat, connecting Permet with Konica.

Regular bus services between cities

  • Tirana – Tetova, Macedonia, through Qafe Thana
  • Tirana – Prishtina and other towns in Kosovo through Morina
  • Korca – Thessalonica, Greece, through Kapshtica
  • Tirana – Athens through Kakavija
  • Tirana – Sofia, Bulgaria, and Istanbul, Turkey from Qafe Thana

Transport Travel Agencies operating in Albania

Roy – 2

  • Tirana – Pristina
  • Tirana – Peje
  • Tirana – Athens

Address: Blv. “Zogu I”, Tirana
Phone & Fax: +355 4 22 62 509

Klid Ballkan Interbus

  • Tirana – Athens – Tirana
  • Tirana – Skopje – Tirana

Address: “Murat Toptani” Str. No. 26, Tirana
Phone: +355 4 22 35 491
Fax: +355 4 22 22 228

Vjosa Travel

Address: “Willson” Square, Tirana
Fax: +355 4 22 53 929
Mob: +355 68 202 2388

Joy Travel

  • Tirana – Athens – Tirana

Address: “Selman Stermasi” Stadium
Phone +355 4 22 73 030
Fax: +355 4 22 72 932


  • Tirana -Thessalonica – Tirana

Address: “Mine Peza” Str P. 139
Phone & Fax: +355 4 22 34 629